Martin Jumbam
The Universal Church invites us to celebrate Sunday, August 30, 2015, as the twenty second Sunday in ordinary time, year B. In the Entrance Antiphon we pray: “I call to you all day long, have mercy on me, O Lord. You are good and forgiving, full of love for all who call to you. Amen.” In the first reading from Deuteronomy, we hear that God’s precepts are not supposed to be a burden on us but rather a help and orientation for life. God’s commandments lead to true freedom and wisdom. Saint James, in the second reading, tells us that God’s word abides forever, for it is perfect and contains the highest wisdom and truth and must therefore be translated into concrete action of love of neighbor. In the Gospel, Saint Mark reveals a controversy between Jesus and the Jewish authorities over external rituals involving food which the Jews hold highly and Christ makes light of them. The Jews put aside God’s commandments and Christ warns that clinging to human traditions reduces our religion to mere externals. In the course of this Eucharist, let us pray for the grace to accept Jesus Christ, who is interested more in our heart and soul than in external rites made by man.
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