Martin Jumbam
Mother Church celebrates Sunday, March 02, 2014, as the Eighth Sunday of Ordinary Time – Year A. In the entrance antiphon we pray: “The Lord has been my strength; he has led me into freedom. He saved me because he loves me. Amen.” The first reading, which is very short, comes from one of Isaiah’s poems welcoming the exiles back to the Promised Land. The prophet consoles God’s people with the assurance that God will never abandon them. No human agency for good or evil will ever separate God from the people he loves. God is presented as a tender mother and God’s people as infants whom he nurses. Even if a woman were to forget the baby at her breast, God’s assurance is: “I will never forget you”. This theme is echoed in the Gospel message where Matthew tells us that God knows our needs and does not abandon us. For any Christian it is essential to remember that we are never entirely alone, forsaken or rejected because we can always turn back to God who cares for us. In the second reading, Saint Paul says that he and his co-workers should be regarded as ‘servants of Christ’ and administrators of the mysteries of God. The sublime calling of preachers makes them men who fulfill God’s plan of redemption, answerable to God alone.
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