On January 26, 2006, CAMWREAD (Association of Cameroon Writers and Readers) organized a celebration of the life and Works of Kenjo wan Jumbam at the Marriott Hotel in Greenbelt, Maryland, USA.
The event started at 7:00 pm with attendance peaking at about 150 people. Poems were read in memory of Pa Kenjo Jumbam. Excepts from Pa Kenjo Jumbams books were read and analyzed by Camread members.
A panel discussed Pa Jumbam's works and situated him in Anglophone Cameroon, Cameroon as a whole and Africa. These presentations were interspersed with traditional dances.
the Bui Family Union was associated to the event and performed two traditional dances (Toh [women's dance] and Kikum).
The event ended at 10:30 with a word of appreciation from Amosa Jumbam on behalf of the family and an auction of 4 copies of The Whiteman of God."
The next three postings are a sample of the presentations made during the celebration.
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